What is Miyagi Green Tourism?
About the Miyagi Green Tourism Promotion Council
A private organization, the Miyagi Green Tourism Promotion Council was founded in 2005 with the aim of stimulating exchange between urban and rural communities.
With the motto “Vibrant Communities for a Vibrant Miyagi” as our guiding vision, we work to build more interconnected communities. We build bridges between cities and rural areas, and also among rural communities, by connecting inland farming towns with coastal fishing towns.
Our main activities include the sharing of information in both urban and rural areas, supporting the operation of local farmers’ markets, planning and hosting hands-on experiences, building local networks, developing programs for community exchange, passing down local food culture, preserving the environment, and undertaking scenic landscaping. To make Miyagi a more enjoyable place for as many visitors as possible, we share information about varied experiences, and we host events to build stronger community ties between cities and rural areas. With the aim of revitalizing the region, we work to connect information-sharing networks in Miyagi.
Tel : 022-211-2866
© みやぎグリーン・ツーリズム推進協議会